You can use [Select (Analysis)][1] to perform this operation. This method has the added benefit of preserving your attributes. There are two main steps: 1. Use a generator to list all of the unique city codes 2. Loop through unique cities codes and add the code to the Select SQL expression ---------- import arcpy, os # Define the output workspace outws = r'C:\temp\out' # Set the input shapefile shp = r'C:\temp\test.shp' # Get a list of unique city codes using a generator cities = set(row[0] for row in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(shp, "city")) # Select unique cities and export to new shapefiles for c in cities: out_fc = os.path.join(outws, c) # Define the output name where_clause = '"city" = \'%s\'' % c # Select based on city name arcpy.Select_analysis(shp, out_fc, where_clause) # Perform the Select [1]: