I'm suffering from very slow editing in SDE from an Arcgis engine application, the SDE database is in local so there's no network issues. but i still ignore the reasons neither how to solve this problem.
i'm working on 64 bit machine with Intel i5 2.4 GHz CPU and 6 Gb of RAM.
the database contains 20 feature class, but with few few features the max number of features do not exceed 100.
I edit using an mxd file which contains sde feature class references, this mxd file is referenced by the Arcgis Engine app, in code level i follow these steps for every editing:
- start edit session and operation.
- insert feature using
method - stop edit session and operation.
- refresh the actiview.
These steps tooks from 2 second to 4 seconds. sometimes the refresh could take 5 seconds, may be because i have some labelings , but compared to ArcMap it must run very fast.
I'm available for explanations of the problem.
Any help please.