I have a csv with "lat\,lon" in a single column. I am trying to convert it with ogr2ogr to another format, and cannot figure out how to format the VRT file to accept this format. 

I cannot do anything other than change the VRT at the moment due to other limitations. I would love to rewrite the csv, but this is the format that I have to deal with for now. I have been pulling my hair out all day, and have yet to figure out a viable solution. 

example for formating:
name, date, value, latlon
a, 20130101, 0, "100.8\,40.2"
b, 20130101, 1, "101.2\,40.4"
c, 20130102, 1, "100.2\,41.2"
d, 20130103, 2, "102.0\,40.7"
e, 20130104, 3, "100.6\,41.0"

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.