I am using Boundless Server 1.0.2(2.12-server-1.0.2) on Cent OS 7

My Geowebcache is located in following directory & My data directory located in EFS storage 


I want to move tilecache folder into EFS storage & edited web.xml file as per [this link][1] then restarted tomcat server but it unable to move its EFS storage

-Clustering is used for this Geoserver

-Tried to edit 'geowebcache.xml' file but unable to update its storage

-Tried same on another standalone Geoserver in my PC (on windows platform),it works perfectly

-Wondering why its not working for Boundless Geoserver.

-Researching on Web

[![enter image description here][2]][2]

  [1]: https://docs.boundlessgeo.com/suite/1.2.0/geoserver/geowebcache/config.html
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/LhSNq.png