There is a possible using a ["Field calculator"]( inside the Graphical Modeler.

Let's assume there is a point layer `'test'` with some features in it, see the image below 


Thereafter I created a simple model for [reverse geocoding]( as following:


*where* a "Field calculator" possess the following parameters


In the 'Formula' tab apply this expression: 

    reverse_geocoding(y(transform($geometry,@project_crs,'EPSG:4326')), x(transform($geometry,@project_crs,'EPSG:4326')))

A custom `reverse_geocoding()` function defined as

<!-- language: python -->

    import geopy
    from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
    from geopy.point import Point
    from qgis.core import *
    from qgis.gui import *
    locator = Nominatim(user_agent="MyReverseGeocoder", timeout=10)
    @qgsfunction(args='auto', group='Custom')
    def reverse_geocoding(lat, lon, feature, parent):
            location = locator.reverse(Point(lat, lon))
            return location.raw['display_name']

Here the Nominatim geocoder (free to choose) from the GeoPy geocoding Python library was used, for more details, please check [the documentation]( Also a point 

Mind that additionally installation of `geopy` library inside the QGIS is required, the *how-to process* described in [Installing 3rd party python libraries for QGIS on Windows](, [Installing Python packages in QGIS 3 (for Windows)](, and [Install QGIS through OSGeo4W]( (also applicable for Python packages). 

And afterwards, I ran the model with [![run][4]][4] (<kbd>F5</kbd> as shortcut) as got the output



Another solution that I may inspire with, described in [the @csk's answer]( So, you may try to find and download the reference point data with addresses for your area, and then simply using the ["Join attributes by nearest"]( geoalgorithm in the Graphical Modeler.
