I downloaded a complete month of daily images of `MODIS MOD07_L2` product ([Atmospheric profile][1]). I've worked with `*.hdf` files for really long (using both `R` and tools such as [`HEG`][2]), nevertheless, I am now stuck with MOD07 product. I need to work with Dew-point Temperature at different pressure levels, but I don't understand how the data is actually saved in the `*.hdf` layer (which is `Retrieved_Moisture_Profile`). I tried using `HEG` software with all possible options (for output file types), but none of them worked. For every iteration I tried in HEG I got the "Could not find TimeofDay attribute, CalendarDate, Sensorname, pointingangle (and many more) attribute in input hdf file". So I believe `HEG` is not capable to work with this type of data. The result for every image was a black square with just one pixel value. 

I opened the `*.hdf` file directly in `QGIS` (version 3.10.4-A Coruña) and, more specifically, I opened the `Retrieved_Moisture_Profile` layer. When I studied the histogram of the latter image it is quite clear that there are 20 different Dew-point temperature profiles (each of one of them is for an specific pressure level), as you can see in the following figure. 

[![Histogram for Retrieved Moisture Profile - MOD07_L2][3]][3]

I was thinking that maybe I can just save the `*.hdf` to `*.nc`, but I tried with `rhdf5` and the latter package is depricated for `R version 3.6.3`. I also tried opening the `*.hdf` file with `gdalUtils`, which actually works, but I couldn't find how to 'divide' each layer of the raster or even save them separately. 

So, what I need is the following (in `R`).

 1. I need to open the MOD07 `*.hdf` file
 2. I need to open the `Retrieved_Moisture_Profile` layer within the `*.hdf` file
 3. I need to save the dew-point temperature profile for each pressure level i.e. for each 'band' (from 1 to 20), as a `GeoTIFF` file.

FYI: I'm running `R version 3.6.3` in Windows 10 64 bit machine. 
Thanks in advance for your help! 
Sincerely, Jorge.

  [1]: https://atmosphere-imager.gsfc.nasa.gov/products/atm-profile
  [2]: https://newsroom.gsfc.nasa.gov/sdptoolkit/HEG/HEGFAQ_Problems.html
  [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/ruvM6.png