I am sitting here already awhile and can't find an answer on my own. I actually have pretty much the same Problem which was already asked (https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/229161/multivalue-string-to-sql-expressions?newreg=696602b5989043bd96fee53f7127f486). But mine is more basic because of missing knowlegde. I tried to use the codechunk out of the other Problem but when i run it the expected Pick-List is always without Values. Some Basic Questions actually include missing comprehension of the functions. multival = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) # 'Store_1;Store_2;Store_3' vals = multival.split(";") where_stub = """"NAME" IN ({})""" stores = ','.join(["'{}'".format(x) for x in vals]) where = where_stub.format(stores) I actually don't know where the `multival`comes from and which Position its claimimg in the code. Maybe for a better understanding my task is to create a Route for a Pizza delivery with about 6 Stops. As data I got a file with 25 Stores which from I should pick various stores. To avoid a SQL-Expression I would like to have a Pick-List as in the other Problem shown (https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/229161/multivalue-string-to-sql-expressions?newreg=696602b5989043bd96fee53f7127f486). My Code looks right now like this # Import arcpy module import arcpy from arcpy import env #workspace = GetParameterAsText (0) ??? arcpy.CheckOutExtension("Network") # Local variables: in_network_dataset = "Transportation/Streets_ND" outNALayerName = "BestRoute" # Process: Make Route Layer arcpy.MakeRouteLayer_na(in_network_dataset, outNALayerName, "TravelTime", "FIND_BEST_ORDER", "PRESERVE_BOTH", "", "", "ALLOW_UTURNS", "Oneway;RestrictedTurns", "", "", "", "") # Process: Select Stores = "Stores.shp" Stores_Select = "Stores_Select_Output" Expression = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) vals = Expression.split(";") where_stub = """"NAME" IN ({})""" stores = ','.join(["'{}'".format(x) for x in vals]) Expression = where_stub.format(stores) arcpy.Select_analysis(Stores, Stores_Select, Expression) It will execute until the select-process but then it does not make a difference between my script and a totaly empty one... Can Someone explain me how to get the Parameters into my Pick-List and maybe some Ground explanation so i understand what the Codechunk from (https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/229161/multivalue-string-to-sql-expressions?newreg=696602b5989043bd96fee53f7127f486) includes? **Edit:** This is how my Parameter Panel looks right now: [![Pic1][1]][1] [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/z1ePy.png