I work for a non-profit health organization and I am currently testing out some GIS software to basically see what usefulness it might serve. My skill set with this software is pretty elementary, but I am starting to put it together. I created a rather simple map in ArcGIS that used different layers for each of our 10 locations showing home zip codes of patients - each used a different color and the size of the "bubbles" was based on how many visits from each zip. These layers could easily be turned on and off by anyone viewing the map. I tried recreating this in CartoDB and fell short at the layers limit. I am wondering if I am just thinking about this the wrong way. I created a visualization of visits for all sites using different colors for each location, but the size of the bubbles is uniform. If I can't make some sort of sub-layer happen, would it be possible to perhaps create a map with 3-4 locations in a county (for example) as separate layers, so I could alter size and color of the bubbles as I see fit, but then export them as one layer, so I could make some sort of composite for all sites? I don't know much interaction is ultimately needed, but this could bridge the gap until I figure something else out, provided it could work.