**The problem** - Need to convert a raster .tif tile ([DOWNLOAD][1]) from WGS84 to GDA94 Albers; - Need to convert its stored pixel info from Float32 to 8 bit UNSIGNED; - Need to multiply it by 40; and - Need to set its pixel size to 30x30 metres. **My steps** 1 - Project the raster tile to GDA94 Albers, stating "30" as Output cell size: ArcMap -> Project raster tool; 2 - Recalculated the pixel values multiplying by 40: QGIS -> Raster calculator (Syntax = **"tile_name" * 40**); 3 - Convert the pixel depth from Float32 to 8-Unsigned: ArcMap -> copy raster tool. **My results** As you can see from the picture below, I have sampled some points and retrieved the info from the original tile and compared to my output raster: [![enter image description here][2]][2] After multiplying by 40, the result I SHOULD expect should be equal to the "OrigX40", however, my results are shown in the "New" column and there's a substantial difference. **My tools** I have used a combination of QGIS 3.6 Noosa and ArcMap 10 (no Spatial Analyst extension -> no raster calculator!). What am I doing wrong? Thank you all! [1]: http://dea-public-data.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/?prefix=weathering-intensity/v1.0.1/lon_152/lat_-27/ [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/1Tkem.jpg