Have been using polymaps successfully till now. Need to generate GeoJSON tiles for Canada Provinces. Found [Tilestream][1] and got it working with [Tilemill][2]. Is there a way I can make Tilestream hand out GeoJSON tiles for polymaps without Wax? http://my_tilestream_server:8888/provinces/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.json EDIT -------- Any help here would be greatly appreciated. Still trying to make either Tilestream / Tilemill or Tilestache work correctly. Does anyone know where I can find a good shapefile for Canada and its Provinces (Canadian Fips code would be a bonus)? Only ones I have found are not accurate at zoom levels greater than 8. 1 - Tilestream / Tilemill are great, but need a way to dynamically add additional data to the Hover. Can't seem to find a way to do this without including it in the dbf. 2 - Installed Tilestache, but having problems converting data from shapefile to sql. I think I am messing missing something in the conversion to sql. Or is there a data source I can import that already has this info? [1]: https://github.com/mapbox/tilestream [2]: http://mapbox.com/tilemill/