I would like to create a SpatialReference with ArcObjects, but I won't know whether it is Projected or Geographic, I'll only have the SRID.  Is it fine practice to use 'ISpatialReferenceFactory.CreateGeographicCoordinateSystem' with a 'try', see if it fails, and if so, use 'CreateProjectedCoordinateSystem', and if that fails, give a message that it won't work?  I have a feeling that I shouldn't use Exceptions in this way, but I'm not aware of an alternative.

I am aware of these answers, but they don't quite answer the question:



Edit: This is after the fact, but I have become aware of [this answer][1]

  [1]: http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/14113/how-to-use-arcobjects-to-choose-geotransformation