I would like to sort my feature class in a model based on coordinates stored in its attribute table. The sorting must be done on `Y_coord` descending, then `X_coord` ascending. The answer to [this question][1] looks like what I need, except I only have an ArcEditor Licence, and free versions of Xtools Pro and ET Geowizards. My model performs several other processes as well, so I need the sorting to be included in it. How can I perform the sort with the above limitations?

**edit** Looking at the options in the `Sort` tool, I've realised that what I actually want to do is sort my features spatially, starting from the upper left, but to sort based on the `Shape` field requires an ArcInfo licence. The sort tool from ET Geowizards does not allow sorting on this field either. Are there other tools which could do this?

  [1]: http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/16752/how-to-sort-a-feature-class-and-then-calculate-a-sequential-id-field