I have initialized a custom OpenLayers 3 map (used to show houses for sale in the neighborhood) with an image as the map. Then, I create additionnal features and layers dynamically for each house (each feature's anchor is set as the middle of its image). I've been trying to use the `size` property when initializing the feature, but what it does is **crop** the image instead of resizing it. I think I have seen the `resize` function for layers somewhere in OL2, but I can't find it in OL3... would that kind of function achieve the result I want? There's also the problem that the features are scaling way too big when zoomed out of the map, and scaling down too small when zoomed in a lot. Is there a way to specify the feature's coordinates then do some kind of invisible margins/padding around it to prevent it from going too big or too small (some kind of static size) ? Here is the actual behavior of features (the feature seen here is the black house): ![Zoomed out][1] - Next: Perfect size, the house should be way smaller when zoomed out though (as seen on the first picture).![Perfect zoom][2] - The house should've stayed bigger, instead of scaling down again in this last picture.![Zoomed in too much][3]. [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/BbOM6.png [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/Hbtlc.png [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/tSeeN.png