I have tried using the below in my initial query, and query right before drawing my polygons with class breaks.

        query.orderByFields = ["Shape__Area DESC"];
However this did not seem to do anything. I have also tried using **grid_value** field as well.


Here is my relevant code in which I am querying and then doing the drawing... main problem is occasionally large polygons block out smaller ones.. I can mostly see them, but visibility is not the issue.. I need to be able to click them as well.. if the smaller polygons would draw on top most layer, or even higher grid values on top should solve it. I found **orderByFields** in the docs but doesn't seem to do anything at all...

    query.outFields = ["*"];
      //query.orderByFields = ["Shape__Area DESC"];
      query.returnDistinctValues = false;
      query.returnGeometry = true;
      QT.execute(query).then(function (evt) {
        evt.features.forEach(function (feature) {
          var att = feature.attributes
          var test = geometryEngine.convexHull(feature.geometry)
          var genpoly = null
          if (att.grid_value <= 4.0) {
            var rad = att.Shape__Length / 75
            genpoly = new Circle({
              center: test.centroid,
              radius: rad,
              radiusUnit: "meters"
          } else {
            genpoly = test
          var polygonGraphic = new Graphic({
            geometry: genpoly,
            attributes: att,
            type: "polygon"
        var renderer = {
          type: "class-breaks",
          field: "grid_value",
          classificationMethod: "esriClassifyManual",
          classBreakInfos: [{
              minValue: 0,
              maxValue: 1.9999,
              symbol: {
                color: [0, 0, 0, 0],
                outline: {
                  color: [0, 0, 0, 0],
                  width: 0.4,
                  type: "simple-line",
                  style: "solid"
                type: "simple-fill",
                style: "solid"
              label: "I (Not Felt)"
              minValue: 2.0,
              maxValue: 3.0,
              symbol: {
                color: [191, 204, 255, .3],
                outline: {
                  color: [0, 0, 0, 0],
                  width: 0.4,
                  type: "simple-line",
                  style: "solid"
                type: "simple-fill",
                style: "solid"
              label: "II (Weak)"
              minValue: 3.1,
              maxValue: 3.9,
              symbol: {
                color: [153, 153, 255, .4],
                outline: {
                  color: [0, 0, 0, 0],
                  width: 0.4,
                  type: "simple-line",
                  style: "solid"
                type: "simple-fill",
                style: "solid"
              label: "III (Weak)"
              minValue: 4.0,
              maxValue: 4.5,
              symbol: {
                color: [136, 255, 255, 1],
                outline: {
                  color: [0, 0, 0, 0],
                  width: 0.4,
                  type: "simple-line",
                  style: "solid"
                type: "simple-fill",
                style: "solid"
              label: "IV (Light)"
              minValue: 4.5,
              maxValue: 4.9999,
              symbol: {
                color: [125, 248, 148, 1],
                outline: {
                  color: [0, 0, 0, 0],
                  width: 0.4,
                  type: "simple-line",
                  style: "solid"
                type: "simple-fill",
                style: "solid"
              label: "V (Light)"
              minValue: 6.0,
              maxValue: 6.9999,
              symbol: {
                color: [255, 255, 0, 1],
                outline: {
                  color: [0, 0, 0, 0],
                  width: 0.4,
                  type: "simple-line",
                  style: "solid"
                type: "simple-fill",
                style: "solid"
              label: "VI (Strong)"
              minValue: 7.0,
              maxValue: 7.9999,
              symbol: {
                color: [255, 221, 0, 1],
                outline: {
                  color: [0, 0, 0, 0],
                  width: 0.4,
                  type: "simple-line",
                  style: "solid"
                type: "simple-fill",
                style: "solid"
              label: "VII (Very Strong)"
              minValue: 8.0,
              maxValue: 8.9999,
              symbol: {
                color: [255, 145, 0, 1],
                outline: {
                  color: [0, 0, 0, 0],
                  width: 0.4,
                  type: "simple-line",
                  style: "solid"
                type: "simple-fill",
                style: "solid"
              label: "VIII (Severe) "
              minValue: 9.0,
              maxValue: 9.9999,
              symbol: {
                color: [255, 0, 0, 1],
                outline: {
                  color: [0, 0, 0, 0],
                  width: 0.4,
                  type: "simple-line",
                  style: "solid"
                type: "simple-fill",
                style: "solid"
              label: "IX (Violent)"
              minValue: 10.0,
              maxValue: 10.9999,
              symbol: {
                color: [221, 0, 0, 1],
                outline: {
                  color: [0, 0, 0, 0],
                  width: 0.4,
                  type: "simple-line",
                  style: "solid"
                type: "simple-fill",
                style: "solid"
              label: "X"
              minValue: 11.0,
              maxValue: 11.9999,
              symbol: {
                color: [136, 0, 0, 1],
                outline: {
                  color: [0, 0, 0, 0],
                  width: 0.4,
                  type: "simple-line",
                  style: "solid"
                type: "simple-fill",
                style: "solid"
              label: "XI"
              minValue: 12.0,
              maxValue: 12.0,
              symbol: {
                color: [68, 0, 0, 1],
                outline: {
                  color: [0, 0, 0, 0],
                  width: 0.4,
                  type: "simple-line",
                  style: "solid"
                type: "simple-fill",
                style: "solid"
              label: "XII"
             var popupTrails = {
                 outFields: ["*"],
                 "title": "Shake ID: {id}",
                "content": function (feature){
                  let name_plc;
                  let dlv = document.createElement("div");
                  dlv.className = "popd";
                  dlv.innerHTML = `<b><span class='name_plc'></span></b><br>ID: <span class="ida">${feature.graphic.attributes.id}</span><br> URL: <a href="${feature.graphic.attributes.url}" target="_blank">View</a> <br> Updated: ${feature.graphic.attributes.updated} <br>Grid_value: ${feature.graphic.attributes.grid_value}<br> Event Time: ${feature.graphic.attributes.eventTime} <style>.esri-popup__navigation { display: none;}</style>`;
                  function getName() {
                   let cId = $('span.ida').text();
                   if (cId) { 
                      let q3 = new Query();
                      q3.where = "id = '"+ cId +"'";
                      q3.outFields = ["*"];
                       QTt.execute(q3).then(function (results) {
                          results.features.map(function (feat) {
                            let pID = feat.attributes["id"];
                            if (cId === pID) {
                               name_plc = feat.attributes["place"];
                                 let tx = $('.name_plc').text();
                                 if (tx == 0){
                  } else {
                    setTimeout(getName, 230);
                  return dlv; 
        fl = new FeatureLayer({
          source: gras,
          objectIdField: "ObjectID",
          geometryType: "polygon",
          fields: [{
            name: "ObjectID",
            alias: "ObjectID",
            type: "oid"
          }, {
            name: "id",
            alias: "id",
            type: "string"
          }, {
            name: "updated",
            alias: "Last Update",
            type: "string"
          }, {
            name: "eventTime",
            alias: "eventTime",
            type: "string"
          }, {
            name: "url",
            alias: "url",
            type: "string"
          }, {
            name: "grid_value",
            alias: "grid_value",
            type: "double"
          renderer: renderer,
          popupEnabled: true,
          //outFields: ['*'],
          popupTemplate: popupTrails,
          visibleElements: [{
              featureNavigation: false, 

Here is my full [CodePen][1] as well.. Any way to do this client side javascript? simply change index to smallest polygons on top?! 1/3 times some of my polygons render in the correct order.. but I need to ensure they all always do, so they are visible and I can click them.

*You can see in the screenshot a 3.8 grid value polygon overlapping making the inner 6.5 and 7.8 grid_value polygons in accessible to click.*

[![enter image description here][2]][2]

  [1]: https://codepen.io/camerondevcam/pen/pogPZvX?editors=1100
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/PS04A.png