Your code is flawed and not updating the geometry correctly. You need to build a NEW POLYGON and explicitly state it has Z values and insert that back into the FeatureClass. The following code updated my single part test data as expected:

<!-- language: lang-py -->

    import arcpy
    fc = r"C:\Scratch\fGDB_Scratch.gdb\fcTest"
    # Get Spatial Reference of dataset
    desc = arcpy.Describe(fc)
    sr = desc.spatialReference
    with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc, ["SHAPE@"]) as cursor:
        for row in cursor:
            # Get Geometry
            geom = row[0]
            # Create an empty array object
            arr = arcpy.Array()
            # Read points, if Z is found to be zero reset it to 1
            for part in geom:
                for pnt in part:
                    if pnt.Z == 0:
                        pnt.Z = 1.0
                     # Add updated point to Array
            # Construct new polygon geometry from array whilst setting spatial reference and indicating it has Z
            newpoly = arcpy.Polygon(arr,sr,True)
            #Update row