My application uses GDAL 3.4.1 with the Python bindings and I'm using gdal.AutoCreateWarpedVRT to reproject a Geodetic (epsg:4326) to Mercator (epsg:3857) dataset. Sometimes, but not always, I will get a "Floating point exception" in the and the application will crash in the warp kernel. I've turned on CPL_DEBUG=ON and I see an output like this >GDAL: GDALWarpKernel()::GWKRealCase() Src=0,545,641x113 Dst=0,640,512x128 GDAL: GDALWarpKernel()::GWKRealCase() Src=636,545,565x113 Dst=512,640,451x128 GDAL: GDALWarpKernel()::GWKRealCase() Src=0,655,641x113 Dst=0,768,512x128 GDAL: GDALWarpKernel()::GWKRealCase() Src=636,655,565x113 Dst=512,768,451x128 GDAL: GDALWarpKernel()::GWKRealCase() Src=0,765,641x113 Dst=0,896,512x128 Floating point exception I've made a simple sample application that reproduces the issue: ``` from osgeo import gdal, osr import argparse def renderTile(filename): # Open the dataset src_ds = gdal.Open(filename) # Warp the dataset to mercator using a WarpedVRT dst_srs = osr.SpatialReference() dst_srs.ImportFromEPSG(3857) dst_wkt = dst_srs.ExportToWkt() error_threshold = 0.125 resampling = gdal.GRA_Bilinear warped_dataset = gdal.AutoCreateWarpedVRT( src_ds, None, dst_wkt, resampling, error_threshold ) # Read the first band from the warped dataset band = warped_dataset.GetRasterBand(1) data = band.ReadAsArray() print("Read data from %s length=%s" % (filename, len(data))) # Close the dataset band = None warped_dataset = None src_ds = None def main(): args = argparse.ArgumentParser() args.add_argument("filename", help="filename to render") args = args.parse_args() filename = args.filename for i in range(0, 100): print("Starting attempt %s" % i) renderTile(filename) print("finished %s" % i) print("done") if __name__ == "__main__": main() ``` I've tried this using GDAL 3.8.4 and it happens much less often but it still fails with a Floating Point Exception sometimes. Does anyone see something I'm obviously doing wrong and have some tips?