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Corrected grammar, typos, spelling; added gdal tag.
Steven Kay
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ogr2ogr : Converting KML to GeoJson

I have a requirement to convert .KML file to GeoJSON or JSON. Can you please recommend open source command line tools on GNU/Linux(2.6.32-358.14.1.el6.x86_64)? I have installed gdal, when I run..

ogr2ogr -f "GeoJSON" geojson.json Areas.kml

I get this error :-

Unable to open datasource `Areas.kml' with the following drivers. -> ESRI Shapefile -> MapInfo File -> UK .NTF -> SDTS -> TIGER -> S57 -> DGN -> VRT -> REC -> Memory -> BNA -> CSV -> GML -> GPX -> KML -> GeoJSON -> GMT -> AVCBin

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