I want to do some isochrones with pgrouting, and I am failing in setting up the network in the first place. osm2pgrouting doesn't find my postGIS installation. Also, the error message is not very helpful (**ERROR: postGIS not found**) and I don't know what to do (reinstalling already tried). What is your advice? osm2pgrouting -f lebanon-latest.osm -d routing_lb -U jb -W *************************************************** COMMAND LINE CONFIGURATION * *************************************************** Filename = lebanon-latest.osm Configuration file = /usr/share/osm2pgrouting/mapconfig.xml host = localhost port = 5432 dbname = routing_lb username = jb password = schema= prefix = suffix = Don't drop tables Don't add nodes *************************************************** Connecting to the database host=localhost user=jb dbname=routing_lb port=5432 password= connection success ERROR: postGIS not found In PostgreSQL, the postGIS extension is installed: postgres=# create extension postgis; CREATE EXTENSION postgres=# create extension pgrouting; CREATE EXTENSION Test: postgres=# create extension postGIS; ERROR: extension "postgis" already exists *Not surprisingly, no tables in the database have been created:* postgres=# \c routing_lb You are now connected to database "routing_lb" as user "postgres". routing_lb=# \dt No relations found.