I'm a QGIS users but not a database person and I need some help on the DB side.
I'm currently in the need to import several shape files into MSSQL 2008 and I have no clue how to do that and my IT guy either.
Can anyone explain to me the components needed,and the step by step how to proceed, or point me towards an online tutorial for unexperienced DB person like me please.

Furthermore, lets assume that all my shape files are imported into MSSQL 2008 that is installed on an internal secured server, Do I need to install another component to have access to my shape files from outside my organization (ie: from a remote location via the web ) ? or will I be able to access my data easily using the QGIS Browser ?. If yes, what do I need to do (or tell my IT guy to do !!) ?

As you can tell, I'm a real rookie when it comes to DB servers...I just hope soemone can point me towards the right direction so I can help my IT guy in the process.

Thanks for all your help.