I want to read all the points in a polygon shape-file and use their coordinates to make a new point shape file. then find the min and max of the X coordinates. So here is the code I wrote for the first part (polygon to point) and it makes the point shape file but the attribute table is just has the ID field. 
    from osgeo import gdal
    from osgeo import ogr
    from osgeo import gdal_array
    from osgeo import gdalconst
    from osgeo.gdalconst import *
    import os
    driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile")
    fname = 'PolygonFC.shp'
    vector = driver.Open(fname, 0)
    layer = vector.GetLayer(0)
    ofname = 'PointFC.shp'
    if os.path.exists(ofname):

    ovector = driver.CreateDataSource(ofname)
    olayer = ovector.CreateLayer('points', geom_type=ogr.wkbPoint)
    fieldDefn = ogr.FieldDefn('id', ogr.OFTInteger)
    featureDefn = olayer.GetLayerDefn()
    point = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint)
    k = 0
    f = layer.GetNextFeature()
    while f:
	    geom = f.GetGeometryRef()
	    ring = geom.GetGeometryRef(0)
	    np = ring.GetPointCount()
	    for j in range(np):
		    p = ring.GetPoint(j)
		    ofeature = ogr.Feature(featureDefn)
		    point.AddPoint(p[0], p[1])
		    ofeature.SetField('id', k)
		    k += 1
	   f = layer.GetNextFeature()

as I mentioned this part is not giving me any error (I know it does not mean it works). So my questions are:

1- is this the right code? why there is no other fields beside 'ID' in attribute table?
2- How can i do the second part of it? (the coordinates for lowest and highest X) I want to get it from the point shape file, not the polygon.