I'm trying to replicate output to a text file from an attribute table using the write() method to transfer the values to the .txt file. The program writes the values but groups each row of values into braces [] and returns a u"value" format for each value. Additionally blanks are represented by the "None". Finally, the order of the field values are wrong even though I tried to build an order using a criteria list to refine the arcpy.ListFields() This is the output I'm now getting: [100.0, u'', 304604, 1298977.349872, 295805.476068, u'113984001', u'113984001', None, None, 4, u'D472B444-7F3C-40E9-85B1-A6A700EBFBEE', u'', 2030, u'BT-501'][100.0, u'', 32204, 1343091.764101, 194014.427182, u'134531001', u'134531001', None, None, 4, u'D18279D5-34D7-46A7-9342-A6AB00A55F48', u'', 3660, u'IS-501'] I would like to get this: D472B444-7F3C-40E9-85B1-A6A700EBFBEE,113984001,113984001,1298977.349872,295805.476068,304604,,100,BT-501,2030,4,,, D18279D5-34D7-46A7-9342-A6AB00A55F48,134531001,134531001,1343091.764101,194014.427182,32204,,100,IS-501,3660,4,,, 1ACC967C-241F-4C07-BB7A-A6AC00B632E3,9666001,9666001,1275486.924555,280097.24814,259088,,100,SH-501B,,2,,,A Here's my code: inFields = ["UniqueID","Address_ID","Account_ID","X","Y","Ref_ID","Side","Score","Route","Sequence","Service_Day","Demand_2","Demand_3","Week"] outputWS = r"C:\RS_Data\Workspace\BATCH_CO_161_imports\gisdb\layers.gdb" finalFC = os.path.basename(layer) print finalFC day = time.strftime("%m%d%Y") arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(layer, outputWS, finalFC) outPath = 'S:\\Shared\\RouteSmart\\CO_161_Cleanscapes\\To_Tower' name = os.path.basename(finalFC) dataFields = arcpy.ListFields(finalFC) file = os.path.join(outPath, ("{0}{1}{2}".format(day,name,".txt"))) print file f = open(file, "w") writeFields = [] for field in dataFields: if field.name in inFields: writeFields.append(field) for row in arcpy.SearchCursor(finalFC): fieldVals = [row.getValue(field.name) for field in writeFields] f.writelines(str(fieldVals)) del row f.close() Is there a way I can specify the order in which the values are written, remove the u"value" formatting as well as the []'s around each row, replace "None" with "" and have it write each row as a new line in the text file? After taking a mix tips from the answers I've gotten it close. The None's are still there but that's the only thing left to resolve. Here's the modified code: arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(layer, outputWS, finalFC)[0] outPath = 'S:\\Shared\\RouteSmart\\CO_161_Cleanscapes\\To_Tower' name = os.path.basename(finalFC) dataFields = [i.name for i in arcpy.ListFields(finalFC)] file = os.path.join(outPath, ("{0}{1}{2}".format(day,name,".txt"))) print file f = open(file, "w") writeFields = [] for field in inFields: if field in dataFields: writeFields.append(field) for row in arcpy.SearchCursor(finalFC): # No longer need to reference name property (field.name) fieldVals = [row.getValue(field) for field in writeFields] # Replace nulls with empty strings fieldsVals = ['' if i is None else i for i in fieldVals] # Create a comma-separated string of values fieldVals = [str(field) for field in fieldVals] out_string = ','.join(fieldVals) # Write the string--not the list--to the table f.writelines(out_string) del row f.close() arcpy.Delete_management(layer) arcpy.Delete_management("OldSeq")