I would like to multiply my Raster DEM with a linear graph value y = mx + C. The graph values look as follows: ![enter image description here][1] [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/sInsC.png I want to make a new raster where each cell will represent a damage factor from above graph and by taking into account corresponding cell DEM value. It means, if any particular cell in my DEM raster has a elevation value 10 m, then in my new computed raster this will be damage factor 1. Similarly, any cell of DEM raster has a value of 20 m, the computed new value will be 3 as shown in the graph. I am familiar with the approach called 'Reclassify'. But reclassify requires a certain range of value, for example elevation 10 - 20 m will be damage factor 1.5. I want to compute every pixel of DEM raster and redefine it in the form of damage factor by following the linear equation. Can I write an equation such as y = m*x + c in raster calculator in Qgis /Grass /ArcGIS?