The is already implemented in the GEOS library (`GEOSNearestPoints_r`) and is now wrapped in the `rgeos` package (>= 0.3-21), see `gNearestPoints`: gDistance(rect, poly.lake) # [1] 33806 gNearestPoints(rect, poly.lake) # class : SpatialPoints # features : 2 # extent : 1036613, 1070419, 825354, 825354 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) # coord. ref. : NA coordinates(gNearestPoints(rect, poly.lake)) # x y # 1 1036613 825354 # 2 1070419 825354 plot(gUnion(rect, poly.lake)) plot(gNearestPoints(rect, poly.lake), add=TRUE, col="red", pch=4) [![plot][1]][1] [1]: