Full credit to @Tom Higginbottom who answered the hard part but a small modification I made to fix the 

    Error in compareRaster(x, extent = FALSE, rowcol = FALSE, orig = TRUE, : different origin

Just added a `raster_file <- projectRaster(raster_file, snap, method = "ngb")` into the loop and created a snap raster, with a large extent that covers the whole set of rasters

    snap <- raster(resolution = c(10,10), xmn = 180000, xmx = 300000, ymn = 60000, ymx = 100000, crs = "+init=epsg:27700")

        mosaicList <- function(rasList){
      #Internal function to make a list of raster objects from list of files.
      ListRasters <- function(list_names) {
        raster_list <- list() # initialise the list of rasters
        for (i in 1:(length(list_names))){ 
          grd_name <- list_names[i] # list_names contains all the names of the images in .grd format
          raster_file <- raster::raster(grd_name)
          raster_file <- projectRaster(raster_file, snap, method = "ngb")
        raster_list <- append(raster_list, raster_file) # update raster_list at each iteration
      #convert every raster path to a raster object and create list of the results
      raster.list <-sapply(rasList, FUN = ListRasters)
      # edit settings of the raster list for use in do.call and mosaic
      names(raster.list) <- NULL
      #####This function deals with overlapping areas
      raster.list$fun <- sum
      #raster.list$tolerance <- 0.1
      #run do call to implement mosaic over the list of raster objects.
      mos <- do.call(raster::mosaic, raster.list)
      #set crs of output
      crs(mos) <- crs(x = raster(rasList[1]))
    raster_files <- list.files(path ="D:/results/gov-4p/stackoverflow",pattern = ".tif$",full.names = TRUE )
    snap <- raster(resolution = c(10,10), xmn = 180000, xmx = 300000, ymn = 60000, ymx = 100000, crs = "+init=epsg:27700") 
    national_layer <- mosaicList(raster_files )