I have multi-CPU linux server, so I wonder what is the fastest version of `gdal2tiles.py` ?

My Ubuntu version:

    lsb_release -a
    Description:	Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS

How I install the package:

    sudo apt-get install python-gdal

Package version:

    apt-show-versions python-gdal
    python-gdal/precise uptodate 1.10.0-1~precise2

And under `/usr/bin/` I have `gdal2tiles.py`.

Does it make sense is to update `python-gdal` package > 1.10.0(maybe build newer version from source), where I can see changelog about `gdal2tiles.py`?

After some googling I found that there are some patched versions of original `gdal2tiles.py` and some parallel versions of `gdal2tiles.py`. So I wonder why this functionality is not included in official package?

If anyone point to stable and fast version of `gdal2tiles.py` I can run some benchmarks for community.

Here is my benchmark for some dataset using original single threaded `gdal2tiles.py`.

    set -x # Dump each line of this script
    set -e # Stop on first error
    time gdalbuildvrt -srcnodata "0,0,0" orthomaps/$DATASET/global.vrt orthomaps/$DATASET/orthophoto_*.tif
    #Default gdal2tiles.py
    GDAL_TO_TILES="/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/gdal2tiles.py"
    time $GDAL_TO_TILES -z 0-$LEVELS_OF_DETAIL orthomaps/$DATASET/global.vrt default_gdal2tiles_$DATASET