I am currently setting up a qgis server with lizmap on ubuntu-server 20.04.4, only that, on the lizmap webapps server information tab, it says "QGIS Server returns an HTTP error about the Lizmap plugin: 500". I declared /usr/lib/plugins as plugin-directory in the apache conf ``` #PluginPath FcgidInitialEnv QGIS_PLUGINPATH "/usr/lib/qgis/plugins" ``` then I installed the plugin 'Lizmap server' as lizmap_server (and many others) in the declared directory with qgis-plugin-manager. ``` [email protected]:/usr/lib/qgis/plugins$ qgis-plugin-manager list QGIS server version : 3.10.4 List all plugins in /usr/lib/qgis/plugins --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Folder ⬇ | Name | Version | Flags | QGIS min | QGIS max | Author | Folder rights | Action ⚠ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |HelloServer |HelloServer |version 1.2|Server,Experimental|3 | |Alessandro Pasotti (ItOpen)|root : 0o755 |Unknown version| |atlasprint |atlasprint |3.3.1 |Server |3.10 | |3Liz |root : 0o755 | | |cadastre |cadastre |1.14.2 |Server,Processing |3.4 |3.99 |3Liz |root : 0o755 | | |lizmap_server |Lizmap server |1.0.1 |Server |3.10 |3.99 |3Liz |www-data : 0o755 | | |lizmap_server2 |Lizmap server |1.0.1 |Server |3.10 |3.99 |3Liz |root : 0o755 | | |wfsOutputExtension|wfsOutputExtension|1.7.0 |Server |3.0 | |3Liz |root : 0o755 | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Different rights have been detected : 'root : 0o755','www-data : 0o755'. Please check user-rights. ``` As of htop, the mapserv.fcgi process is executed by the apache2 user www-data, thats why I changed the owner of one of the plugins to www-data:www-data, without success. I also tried changing the whole directories owner to www-data or root without effect. Lizmap Webapp says that Qgis server is correctly installed, so I don't think that my problem is IP or /etc/hosts related, which doesn't mean it's impossible. Lizmap and QGIS are on the same Virtualhost, as the server is only for internal use. The error message is >QGIS Server is correctly installed and returns the expected response for OGC requests. >We cannot get the details about your QGIS Server installation (version, plugins, etc.). Either the version of the installed QGIS Server is under 3.10, or the Lizmap plugin is not detected in your server, or is installed with a version under 3.7.0. Please upgrade QGIS Server to minimum 3.10 and install or upgrade the Lizmap plugin to minimum 3.7.0 by reading the documentation about the environment variable https://docs.lizmap.com/current/en/install/pre_requirements.html QGIS Server returns an HTTP error about the Lizmap plugin: 500