Using `WFSGetCapabilities` I sent a `GetCapabilities` request to GeoServer. From the result of `WFSGetCapabilities().read()`, I can loop each featureType and retrieve some basic info (e.g., name, title, featureNS, srsName). Then in order to retrieve the `"geometryName"` property of this feature type, (which is needed to load this featureLayer into map), I sent a `DescribeFeatureType` request to server by attaching `"&TypeName="`. However, I found that the full name of the feature is truncated, i.e., `` is the feature's name without its namespace prefix. However, this namespace prefix is needed in DescribeFeatureType request URL.

My question is:

How can I get the full name (with namespace prefix) in order to execute this DescribeFeatureType request and retrieve the geometryName property?