I am trying to import a CSV to GDB using an ArcMap script tool and preserve some string fields that look like numbers as strings. I added some code to create and populate a schema.ini file in the CSV's source directory but ArcMap doesn't seem to recognize/honor it. It is created immediately but appears to only be populated once the rest of the tool is finished running. It seems to possibly be an order of operations issue, any suggestions? Here is my code for this piece of the workflow so far: ``` addressTable = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) tableName = os.path.basename(addressTable) inputDir = os.path.dirname(addressTable) schemaFile = str(inputDir) + "\schema.ini" schemaHeader = "[" + str(tableName) + "]\n" file = open(schemaFile, 'w') file.write(schemaHeader) file.write("Format=CSVDelimited\n") file.write("ColNameHeader=True\n") fieldList = arcpy.ListFields(addressTable) for field in fieldList: file.write(field.name + " TEXT Width 128\n") file.close arcpy.conversion.TableToTable(addressTable, workingGDB, tempTable)