I am not sure I understand your question, but I will make my best guess at an answer (since I cannot comment for further information yet). Assuming what you have is a mass of several scores based on various related table attributes, such as demographic/economic/etc data (median income, population), and assuming you wish to symbolize this data in a manner that relates it together, I would suggest assigning values to certain aggregations of data. For example, if one geographic area has high population but low median income, give it a specific value. That way, when you graph the information (or symbolize it), you can display multiple pieces of data with relatively clean graphical representation. In statistics, this practice is called "recoding," and basically means that you simplify one or more variables into another variable to allow for more accessible representation. If you want help doing something of this nature, I asked a question about an efficient method for recoding values into a new field a couple of days ago. If this is helpful, let me know and I will expand as best I can. http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/6380/how-to-recode-field-values-based-on-field-contents