I am using current [gdal docker image][1] `osgeo/gdal:ubuntu-full-3.4.1` to display metadata from a shapefile. After multiple failed attempts of failed installation of GDAL 3.4 on Ubuntu 20.10 I am now using the docker version. `ogr2ogr` works just fine, whereas **ogrinfo** failes with the following; ``` ❯ docker run osgeo/gdal:ubuntu-full-3.4.1 ogrinfo -al ./myShapefile.shp FAILURE: Unable to open datasource `./myShapefile.shp' with the following drivers. -> ESRIC -> FITS -> PCIDSK -> netCDF -> PDS4 -> VICAR -> JP2OpenJPEG -> PDF -> MBTiles -> BAG -> EEDA -> OGCAPI -> ESRI Shapefile -> MapInfo File -> UK .NTF -> LVBAG -> OGR_SDTS -> S57 -> DGN -> OGR_VRT -> REC -> Memory -> CSV -> NAS -> GML -> GPX -> LIBKML -> KML -> GeoJSON -> GeoJSONSeq -> ESRIJSON -> TopoJSON -> Interlis 1 -> Interlis 2 -> OGR_GMT -> GPKG -> SQLite -> OGR_DODS -> ODBC -> WAsP -> MDB -> PGeo -> MSSQLSpatial -> OGR_OGDI -> PostgreSQL -> MySQL -> OpenFileGDB -> DXF -> CAD -> FlatGeobuf -> Geoconcept -> GeoRSS -> GPSTrackMaker -> VFK -> PGDUMP -> OSM -> GPSBabel -> OGR_PDS -> WFS -> OAPIF -> SOSI -> Geomedia -> EDIGEO -> SVG -> CouchDB -> Cloudant -> Idrisi -> ARCGEN -> XLS -> ODS -> XLSX -> Elasticsearch -> Walk -> Carto -> AmigoCloud -> SXF -> Selafin -> JML -> PLSCENES -> CSW -> MongoDBv3 -> VDV -> GMLAS -> MVT -> NGW -> MapML -> TIGER -> AVCBin -> AVCE00 -> HTTP ``` The file is of course present, valid and not read protected. Running with sudo makes no difference. Also specifying a full-path does nothing. [1]: https://hub.docker.com/layers/osgeo/gdal/ubuntu-full-3.4.1/images/sha256-f1e71ecedbd02af8c8585728a31ef86fd0269d26902afd12409842a2b377cc95?context=explore