In QGIS Plugins you'll find a 'merge lines' plugin, which at first sight seems to accomplish what you are after. cited from description: **MergeLines** **Simplifies the topology of a line network by merging adjacent lines** This plugin merges segments of a line network (e.g. river network) in order to simplify its topology. Two merging methods are currently available : length (a segment is merged with its longest neighbor) and alignment (a segment is merged with its best aligned neighbor). **UPDATE:** Below you find a geoprocessing script of which I hope that it does what you want. For testing purposes I created a shapefile with a bunch of irregularly intersecting lines and no attributes (network): [![enter image description here][1]][1] The standard dialog when executing the script looks like this (in this case the result is a memory layer): [![enter image description here][2]][2] Running the script produces a 'copy' of the input data with a field 'subnet' distinguishing to which subnet a feature belongs. With a categorized style the result looks like this: [![enter image description here][3]][3] This can be dissolved using the field 'subnet'. Create a new geoprocessing script, copy the code in the editor, save it and things should work. ##Networking=group ##lIn=vector ##lOut=output vector from qgis.core import * from qgis.utils import * from qgis.gui import * from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import QColor #from processing.core.VectorWriter import VectorWriter c=iface.mapCanvas() rubberBand = [] v = processing.getObject(lIn) #generate a list of all features in the layer subNets = [] flist = [] for f in v.getFeatures(): flist.append(f) def makeSubnets(featureList): #print "making subnet ---------------------------------------------------" if len(featureList) > 1: print [featureList[0]] print featureList[1:] #print "start finding a subnet" fTest, fRest = findSubnet([featureList[0]], featureList[1:]) #print "finished finding a subnet" subNets.append(fTest) makeSubnets(fRest) else: subNets.append(featureList) def findSubnet(featTest, featRest): found = True while found: newTestList = [] #print "candidates: ", len(featTest) #print "search in: ", len(featRest) #print "-------------" for fT in featTest: for fR in featRest: if not fT.geometry().disjoint(fR.geometry()): #print "!" newTestList.append(fR) #addRubberBand(fR.geometry()) featTest += newTestList if newTestList == []: found = False else: #print "Found (undis)joining segments" for fn in newTestList: if fn in featRest: featRest.remove(fn) #print "removed ", fn else: pass #print "allready removed ", fn return featTest, featRest def addRubberBand(theGeom): rubberBand.append(QgsRubberBand(c, False)) rubberBand[-1].setToGeometry(theGeom, None) rubberBand[-1].setColor(QColor(255,0,0)) rubberBand[-1].setWidth(3) makeSubnets(flist) fields = QgsFields() fields.append(QgsField('subnet', QVariant.Int)) writer = QgsVectorFileWriter(lOut, None, fields, QGis.WKBLineString, net = 0 for sn in subNets: for f in sn: #print net, f feat = QgsFeature() feat.setFields(fields) feat.setGeometry(f.geometry()) feat.setAttribute('subnet', net) writer.addFeature(feat) net += 1 del writer [1]: [2]: [3]: