So to create simple polygons from a complex polygon (self-intersecting), is to use `turf.unkink()` for Javascript turf.js Example code below. **NOTE:** The area is calculated in Cartesian form, as `turf.area` gives different area. const line_non_simple = turf.polygon([some_intersecting_polygon_coords]) var result = turf.unkinkPolygon(line_non_simple); var A_modelArea = [] function findModelArea(multiCoords){ //Split multicoords to x, y var xNew = [] var yNew = [] for(var i = 0; i < multiCoords.length; i++ ){ xNew.push(multiCoords[i][0]); yNew.push(multiCoords[i][1]) } //Finds the area using the x, y var avg_sum = [] for(var i = 0; i < multiCoords.length -1; i++ ){ avg_sum.push(xNew[i]*yNew[i+1]-xNew[i+1]*yNew[i]) } var avg_area = Math.abs(0.5*(avg_sum.reduce((a, b) => a + b))) A_modelArea.push(avg_area); } => findModelArea(i.geometry.coordinates[0])) console.log(A_modelArea.reduce((a, b) => a + b))