Assuming the CSV XY values form a regular grid, you can treat the CSV as an [XYZ raster][1], though you will need to extract out just the X, Y and specific "Z" column from the CSV for each band that will form the multiband output. You can then clip to your shapefile with `gdal.Warp` and stack the clipped results. import pandas as pd from osgeo import gdal from urllib.request import urlretrieve from zipfile import ZipFile # # Download file from ESRI # url = ( # '' # ) # filename = '' # urlretrieve(url, filename) # the zip has a size of ~80 mb # # # Unzip # with ZipFile('', 'r') as z: # z.extractall( # path = 'countyshapefiles' # ) shapefile = r"countyshapefiles/USA_Counties.shp" epsg = 32617 csvfile = "hill_multicolumn.csv" # Assumes X, Y, col1,...,colN df = pd.read_csv(csvfile) df = df.sort_values(["Y", "X"], ascending=True) vrts = [] for col in df.columns[2:]: df_col = df.filter(["X", "Y", col]) df_col.to_csv(f"hill_{col}.csv", index=False) rds = gdal.OpenEx(f"hill_{col}.csv", gdal.OF_RASTER) vrt = gdal.Warp( f"/vsimem/hill_{col}.vrt", rds, cutlineDSName=shapefile, cutlineWhere="NAME = 'Hillsborough' AND STATE_NAME = 'Florida'", cropToCutline=True, srcSRS=f"EPSG:{epsg}" ) vrts.append(vrt) vrt = gdal.BuildVRT(f"/vsimem/hill.vrt", vrts) multiband = gdal.Translate("hill_multiband.tif", vrt) [1]: