You can also write Shapely geometries by using PyShp (since the original poster also asked about PyShp). One way would be to convert your shapely geometry to geojson (with the shapely.geometry.mapping method) and then use [my modified fork of PyShp][1] which provides a Writer method that accepts geojson geometry dictionaries when writing to a shapefile. If you would rather rely on the main PyShp version, I have also provided a conversion function below: # THIS FUNCTION CONVERTS A GEOJSON GEOMETRY DICTIONARY TO A PYSHP SHAPE OBJECT def shapely_to_pyshp(shapelygeom): # first convert shapely to geojson try: shapelytogeojson = shapely.geometry.mapping except: import shapely.geometry shapelytogeojson = shapely.geometry.mapping geoj = shapelytogeojson(shapelygeom) # create empty pyshp shape record = shapefile._Shape() # set shapetype if geoj["type"] == "Null": pyshptype = 0 elif geoj["type"] == "Point": pyshptype = 1 elif geoj["type"] == "LineString": pyshptype = 3 elif geoj["type"] == "Polygon": pyshptype = 5 elif geoj["type"] == "MultiPoint": pyshptype = 8 elif geoj["type"] == "MultiLineString": pyshptype = 3 elif geoj["type"] == "MultiPolygon": pyshptype = 5 record.shapeType = pyshptype # set points and parts if geoj["type"] == "Point": record.points = geoj["coordinates"] = [0] elif geoj["type"] in ("MultiPoint","Linestring"): record.points = geoj["coordinates"] = [0] elif geoj["type"] in ("Polygon"): record.points = geoj["coordinates"][0] = [0] elif geoj["type"] in ("MultiPolygon","MultiLineString"): index = 0 points = [] parts = [] for eachmulti in geoj["coordinates"]: points.extend(eachmulti[0]) parts.append(index) index += len(eachmulti[0]) record.points = points = parts return record Simply copy and paste the function to your own script and call on it to convert any of your shapely geometries to a pyshp compatible shape. To save them you then simply append each resulting pyshp shape to the shapefile.Writer instance's ._shapes list (for an example see the test script at the bottom of this post). Note however: the function will NOT handle any interior polygon holes if there are any, it simply ignores them. It is certainly possible to add that functionality to the function but I have simply not bothered yet. Suggestions or edits to improve the function are welcome :) Here is a full standalone test script: ### HOW TO SAVE SHAPEFILE FROM SHAPELY GEOMETRY USING PYSHP # IMPORT STUFF import shapefile import shapely, shapely.geometry # CREATE YOUR SHAPELY TEST INPUT TEST_SHAPELYSHAPE = shapely.geometry.Polygon([(133,822),(422,644),(223,445),(921,154)]) ######################################################### ################## END OF USER INPUT #################### ######################################################### # DEFINE/COPY-PASTE THE SHAPELY-PYSHP CONVERSION FUNCTION def shapely_to_pyshp(shapelygeom): # first convert shapely to geojson try: shapelytogeojson = shapely.geometry.mapping except: import shapely.geometry shapelytogeojson = shapely.geometry.mapping geoj = shapelytogeojson(shapelygeom) # create empty pyshp shape record = shapefile._Shape() # set shapetype if geoj["type"] == "Null": pyshptype = 0 elif geoj["type"] == "Point": pyshptype = 1 elif geoj["type"] == "LineString": pyshptype = 3 elif geoj["type"] == "Polygon": pyshptype = 5 elif geoj["type"] == "MultiPoint": pyshptype = 8 elif geoj["type"] == "MultiLineString": pyshptype = 3 elif geoj["type"] == "MultiPolygon": pyshptype = 5 record.shapeType = pyshptype # set points and parts if geoj["type"] == "Point": record.points = geoj["coordinates"] = [0] elif geoj["type"] in ("MultiPoint","Linestring"): record.points = geoj["coordinates"] = [0] elif geoj["type"] in ("Polygon"): record.points = geoj["coordinates"][0] = [0] elif geoj["type"] in ("MultiPolygon","MultiLineString"): index = 0 points = [] parts = [] for eachmulti in geoj["coordinates"]: points.extend(eachmulti[0]) parts.append(index) index += len(eachmulti[0]) record.points = points = parts return record # WRITE TO SHAPEFILE USING PYSHP shapewriter = shapefile.Writer() shapewriter.field("field1") # step1: convert shapely to pyshp using the function above converted_shape = shapely_to_pyshp(TEST_SHAPELYSHAPE) # step2: tell the writer to add the converted shape shapewriter._shapes.append(converted_shape) # add a list of attributes to go along with the shape shapewriter.record(["empty record"]) # save it"test_shapelytopyshp.shp") [1]: