Assuming you are using ArcGIS for Desktop, in Labels>Expression>Help section states that you need concatenate HTML tags with field specifiers to be able to do such tricks: - `Specify a conditional if-else statement. These functions label cities with their name in a large, red font if their population is equal to or exceeds 250,000 and in the default label font if the population is less than 250,000:` `Python` def FindLabel ( [NAME], [POPULATION] ): if long([POPULATION]) >= 250000: return "<CLR red='255'><FNT size = '14'>" + [NAME] + "</FNT></CLR>" else: return [NAME] `VBScript` Function FindLabel ([NAME], [POPULATION]) if (cLng([POPULATION]) >= 250000) then FindLabel = "<CLR red='255'><FNT size = '14'>" + [NAME] + "</FNT></CLR>" else FindLabel = [NAME] end if End Function `JScript` function FindLabel ( [NAME], [POPULATION] ) { if (parseFloat([POPULATION]) >= 250000){ return ("<CLR red='255'><FNT size = '14'>" + [NAME] + "</FNT></CLR>"); } else return ([NAME]); }