There is a script tool called "Concatenate Row Values" that does exactly what you want. It is available for download [here][1]. There is also a [blog entry][2] about this script tool. All you have to do is add a field to your FeatureClass where the concatenated values will be written and summarize. ![enter image description here][3] ![enter image description here][4] For those interested in seeing the script: # Import system modules import sys, traceback, arcpy #Define AddPrintMessage def AddPrintMessage(msg, severity): print msg if severity == 0: arcpy.AddMessage(msg) elif severity == 1: arcpy.AddWarning(msg) elif severity == 2: arcpy.AddError(msg) try: # Set the parameters InputTable = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) if (InputTable == ''): arcpy.AddError("No input provided") CaseField = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) if (CaseField == ''): arcpy.AddError("No iterate field provided. The iteration will be based on unique values") ReadFromField = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) if (ReadFromField == ''): arcpy.AddError("No field provided to read the values from") CopyToField = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3) if (CopyToField == ''): arcpy.AddError("No field provided to copy the values to") Delimiter = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4) # Validate the inputs that are provided for field type. # A text field value can only be copied to a text type field, and # The numric field values with a delimiter can only be copied to a text type field. # Short Integer can be copied to field of type text, short integer, long integer, single or double without a delimiter. if arcpy.ListFields(InputTable, ReadFromField)[0].type == "String": if arcpy.ListFields(InputTable, CopyToField)[0].type == "String": "" else: arcpy.AddError("Copy To Field must be of type text when Read From Field is of type text.") else: if arcpy.ListFields(InputTable, CopyToField)[0].type == "String": "" else: if Delimiter != "": arcpy.AddError("Copy To Field must be of type text when Read From Field is of type numeric or date and you are using a delimiter.") if Delimiter == "": if arcpy.ListFields(InputTable, ReadFromField)[0].type == "SmallInteger": if arcpy.ListFields(InputTable, CopyToField)[0].type in ["Integer", "SmallInteger", "Single", "Double"]: "" else: if arcpy.ListFields(InputTable, CopyToField)[0].type == "Date": arcpy.AddError("Copy To Field must be of type text.") if arcpy.ListFields(InputTable, ReadFromField)[0].type == "Integer": if arcpy.ListFields(InputTable, CopyToField)[0].type in ["SmallInteger", "Integer", "Single", "Double", "Date"]: arcpy.AddError("Copy To Field must be of type text.") else: if arcpy.ListFields(InputTable, ReadFromField)[0].type in ["Single", "Double" , "Date"]: if arcpy.ListFields(InputTable, CopyToField)[0].type in ["Integer", "SmallInteger", "Single", "Double" , "Date"]: arcpy.AddError("Copy To Field must be of type text.") # Create an empty dictionary. dictionary = {} # Create a variable and set its value to the last row value. The first one is -1 which means no row before the first. lastid = -1 # Create an empty variable which will store the value of the last row in the code below. lastvalue = "" # Insert Search cursor on a feature class or table to iterate through row objects and extract field values. # Sort values of a Search Cursor based on the CaseField and ReadFromField in ascending order. # Define what will happen once the curser moves through each row. # While it is in each row it will get the value of CaseField field that you are using as id to iterate. # While it is in row it will also get the value of the ReadFromField field that you want to concatenate. # Set the value of the dictionary to the values read by the cursor from the ReadFromField. # Set an if condition for what should the cursor do when it reads through fields with same ID or the CaseField value. # In if condition set the new value to last value of the ReadFromField + the defined delimiter + the new value that is read. # Again set the dictionary value to this new value. # Set the loop to have the lastid to the id that you got from getValue before it goes through the seconnd loop and so on... # Set the loops last value variable to the last value that was read such that it starts with that last value for the second loop and so on... cur1 = arcpy.SearchCursor(InputTable, "", "", "", CaseField +" A;" + ReadFromField +" A") for row in cur1: id = row.getValue(CaseField) value = row.getValue(ReadFromField) dictionary[id] = value if id == lastid: value = str(lastvalue) + Delimiter + str(value) dictionary[id] = value lastid = id lastvalue = value # Delete cursor and row objects to remove the lock on the data that will remain until either the # script completes or the cursor object is deleted. del cur1, row # Insert Update cursor to update or delete rows on the specified feature class, shapefile, or table. # Define what will happen once the curser moves through each row. # While you are in each row set the cursor to get the value of the CaseField that is used as Id to iterate. # Set the value of the field that the concatenated values should be written to with the dictionary values that you concatenated in the code above. # Set the cursor to update the row values with the dictionary values. cur2 = arcpy.UpdateCursor(InputTable) for row in cur2: id = row.getValue(CaseField) row.setValue(CopyToField, dictionary[id]) cur2.updateRow(row) # Delete cursor and row objects to remove the lock on the data that will remain until either the # script completes or the cursor object is deleted. del cur2, row # If you are using the tool in ModelBuilder, set the derived output parameter to the value # of input table so that it is not empty and can be used with other tools. arcpy.SetParameterAsText(5, str(InputTable)) except: tb = sys.exc_info()[2] tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0] pymsg = "PYTHON ERRORS:\nTraceback Info:\n" + tbinfo + "\nError Info:\n " + \ str(sys.exc_type)+ ": " + str(sys.exc_value) + "\n" AddPrintMessage(pymsg, 2) msgs = "ArcPy ERRORS:\n" + arcpy.GetMessages(2) + "\n" AddPrintMessage(msgs, 2) [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: