Basically what your are looking for is a ```Spatial Join```. 1. Import the CSV file as a point layer. Delimiter, X-field, Y-field and Coordinate System are important [![enter image description here][1]][1] 2. Make a spatial join between your points and polygons using ```Data Management Tools --> Join Attributes by Location...``` using the Polygon Layer as the baselayer and your points as the joined layer. For the Geoemetric predicate ```intersects```. [![enter image description here][2]][2] [![enter image description here][3]][3] 3. On the newly created ```Joined layer``` write a ```Feature Filter``` where you filter all the features which have no relation to your CSV data away using some field from the CSV data layer. [![enter image description here][4]][4] 4. Apply a red style on the new layer using the ```Symbology``` [![enter image description here][5]][5] [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: