This seems to me like such a simple question (and it probably is) yet I cannot seem to find an example that gives me the answer. Using PostGIS, I just want to select points that fall *outside* of polygons. Ultimately this is the inverse of the ST_Intersects, as far as I can see it. Example: I have a taxlot layer and a address point layer. I assume I should be using the ST_Intersects, but how do I tell it to do the reverse selection? I thought maybe adding a *NOT* statement in front of the code below, but that did not work. CREATE table t_intersect AS SELECT hp.gid, hp.st_address,, hp.st_num, hp.the_geom FROM public.parcel as par, public.housepoints as hp WHERE ST_Intersects(hp.the_geom,par.the_geom);