I have spatial data in R, let's say an object of formal class SpatialPointsDataFrame but the below problem is encountered with Raster too. 

I can plot easily the data with `spplot()` and save a .png file. If I want to create and store a function to recall this operation (since I have to repeat this many times in a simulation), `spplot()` save an empty .pgn file UNLESS I use `dev.off()` outside the function.

    # example data
    trees <- data.frame(x=runif(100, 1,100), y=runif(100, 1,100), value=runif(100, 20,60))
    trees <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(trees[,c("x","y")], trees)
    proj4string(trees) <- CRS("+proj=utm +zone=30 ellps=WGS84")
    # simple plotting, it works
    png(filename="spplot0.png", width = 480, height = 480, units = "px")
    spplot(trees, "value")
    # create functions
    map1 <- function(){
      png(filename="spplot1.png", width = 480, height = 480, units = "px")
      spplot(trees, "value")
    map2 <- function(){
      png(filename="spplot2.png", width = 480, height = 480, units = "px")
      spplot(trees, "value")
    # carry out functions. map1() save an empty image.

Why `map1()` does not work and `map2()+dev.off()` outside does?

I know there are alternative mapping options (plot, spplot, ggplot) but I wish to stick with `spplot()` for this job. I have already found a work-around solution (see function map2) but it baffles me, my code gets more cluttered and I fear to encounter more problems in the future.