I have a script to investigate mxd's and save them as lyr symbology/kmz and sld which works fine when run from the .py but does not run when used as a tool from arctoolbox. I have tried arcpy.AddMessage statements to see what's wrong but it just does not work. 

Please help...


    # Author: George Corea, Atherton Tablelands GIS
    # [email protected]; [email protected]
    # Licence:Creative Commons
    import arcpy, string, datetime, shutil, os
    import arcpy.mapping as MAP
    #Read input parameters from script tool
    MXDList = string.split(arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0), ";")
    ProjectPath = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
    #Loop through each MXD and print
    #for MXDPath in MXDList:
    for MXDFile in MXDList:
        outPath = ProjectPath+'\\'+mxd.filePath[mxd.filePath.rfind('\\')+1:mxd.filePath.rfind('.')]
        arcpy.AddMessage('working on 1...'+str(mxd)+str(outPath))
        dfList = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd)
        arcpy.AddMessage('working on 2...'+str(dfList)+str(outPath))
        for df in dfList:
        #msd = outPath+'.msd'
        #arcpy.mapping.ConvertToMSD(mxd, msd, df, "NORMAL", "NORMAL")
        #arcpy.AddMessage(str(count)+'...' +str(outPath)+'...'+'\n')
            lyrList=arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd, "", df)
            outPath = ProjectPath+'\\'+mxd.filePath[mxd.filePath.rfind('\\')+1:mxd.filePath.rfind('.')]+'\\'+str(df.name)
            arcpy.AddMessage('working on 3...'+str(lyrList)+str(outPath))
            for lyrFile in lyrList:
                if lyrFile.isFeatureLayer == True:
                    if lyrFile.visible == True:
                        arcpy.AddMessage(str(lyrFile)+' is visible')
                        #print str(lyrFile)+' is visible...exporting dataset'
                            arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(lyrFile.dataSource, outPath, outFileN)
                            arcpy.SaveToLayerFile_management(lyrFile,outPath+'\\'+outFileN+'.lyr', "ABSOLUTE")
                            arcpy.LayerToKML_conversion(outPath+'\\'+outFileN+'.lyr', outPath+'\\'+outFileN+'.kmz')
                            arcpy.AddMessage('Error...'+str(errorm)+' ...continuing')
                arcpy.AddMessage(str(lyrFile)+' is visible. Not Processing')
                #print str(lyrFile)+' is not visible'
        ##    errorM=arcpy.GetMessages()
        ##    arcpy.AddMessage(str(count)+str(errorM)+'\n continuing...\n')
        ##    print errorM
        ##    #MAP.PrintMap(MXD, printer)
        #Remove variable reference to file
        del mxd, msd

![enter image description here][1] and that's it. The text 'working 2...' from the arcpy.AddMessages doesn't work.

When run in the Python Interpreter window you get

    >>> import os
    >>> os.getcwd()
    >>> MXDFile=r'P:\2011\Job_031_TownPlanning_SeriesProduction\Working\mxd\Nov14_Landslide\18_TownPlanning_B&L_Overlay_Ver4a_Chillagoe.mxd'
    >>> mxd=arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(MXDFile)
    >>> ProjectPath=r'Q:\scripts\py\junk'
    >>> outPath = ProjectPath+'\\'+mxd.filePath[mxd.filePath.rfind('\\')+1:mxd.filePath.rfind('.')]
    >>> dfList = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd)
    >>> for df in dfList:
    ...     lyrList=arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd, "", df)
    ...     print lyrList
    [<map group layer u'Residences'>, <map layer u'Residential Structure'>, <map layer u'Residential Structure'>, <map group layer u'Base_Top'>, <map layer u'Regional Activity Centre'>, <map layer u'Homesteads'>, <map layer u'State Controlled Road'>, <map layer u'Local Road'>, <map layer u'Local Road'>, <map layer u'Wetland'>, <map layer u'Waterbody'>, <map layer u'Protected Area'>, <map layer u'TRC Boundary'>, <map layer u'Property Boundary'>, <map layer u'Watercourse'>, <map layer u'Tri_RiversTRCClip'>, <map layer u'Rural_DrainageTRCClip'>, <map group layer u'Hazard'>, <map group layer u'NewLandslide'>, <map layer u'100k_trc_tiles_TVM'>, <map layer u'BULLOCK_CREEK'>, <map layer u'BULIMBA'>, <map layer u'BLACKDOWN'>, <map layer u'BELLEVUE'>, <map layer u'MAYTOWN'>, <map layer u'M_SURPRISE'>, <map layer u'LYNDBROOK'>, <map layer u'KIRRAMA'>, <map layer u'KINGFISH'>, <map layer u'HIGHBURY'>, <map layer u'CASHMERE'>, <map layer u'CAIRNS'>, <map layer u'MUNGANA'>, <map layer u'MOUNT'>, <map layer u'MOSSMAN'>, <map layer u'GALLOWAY'>, <map layer u'CONJUBOY'>, <map layer u'CHILLAGOE'>, <map layer u'BARTLE_FRERE'>, <map layer u'ATHERTON'>, <map layer u'ABINGDON_DOWNS'>, <map layer u'WALSH'>, <map layer u'WALLABADAH'>, <map layer u'VALLEY_LAGOONS'>, <map layer u'TULLY'>, <map layer u'STRATHMORE'>, <map layer u'ST_RONANS'>, <map layer u'SOUTH'>, <map layer u'RUMULA'>, <map layer u'RAVENSHOE'>, <map layer u'Landslide Zone'>, <map layer u'High Bushfire Hazard'>, <map layer u'High Bushfire Hazard Buffer '>, <map layer u'Medium Bushfire Hazard'>, <map layer u'Medium Bushfire Hazard Buffer'>, <map group layer u'Base_Bottom'>, <map layer u'Protected Area'>]
    [<map group layer u'Residences'>, <map layer u'Residential Structure'>, <map layer u'Residential Structure'>, <map group layer u'Base_Top'>, <map layer u'Regional Activity Centre'>, <map layer u'Homesteads'>, <map layer u'State Controlled Road'>, <map layer u'Local Road'>, <map layer u'Local Road'>, <map layer u'Wetland'>, <map layer u'Waterbody'>, <map layer u'Protected Area'>, <map layer u'TRC Boundary'>, <map layer u'Property Boundary'>, <map layer u'River'>, <map layer u'Tri_RiversTRCClip'>, <map layer u'Rural_DrainageTRCClip'>, <map group layer u'Hazard'>, <map group layer u'NewLandslide'>, <map layer u'100k_trc_tiles_TVM'>, <map layer u'BULLOCK_CREEK'>, <map layer u'BULIMBA'>, <map layer u'BLACKDOWN'>, <map layer u'BELLEVUE'>, <map layer u'MAYTOWN'>, <map layer u'M_SURPRISE'>, <map layer u'LYNDBROOK'>, <map layer u'KIRRAMA'>, <map layer u'KINGFISH'>, <map layer u'HIGHBURY'>, <map layer u'CASHMERE'>, <map layer u'CAIRNS'>, <map layer u'MUNGANA'>, <map layer u'MOUNT'>, <map layer u'MOSSMAN'>, <map layer u'GALLOWAY'>, <map layer u'CONJUBOY'>, <map layer u'CHILLAGOE'>, <map layer u'BARTLE_FRERE'>, <map layer u'ATHERTON'>, <map layer u'ABINGDON_DOWNS'>, <map layer u'WALSH'>, <map layer u'WALLABADAH'>, <map layer u'VALLEY_LAGOONS'>, <map layer u'TULLY'>, <map layer u'STRATHMORE'>, <map layer u'ST_RONANS'>, <map layer u'SOUTH'>, <map layer u'RUMULA'>, <map layer u'RAVENSHOE'>, <map layer u'Landslide Zone'>, <map layer u'High Bushfire Hazard'>, <map layer u'High Bushfire Hazard Buffer '>, <map layer u'Medium Bushfire Hazard'>, <map layer u'Medium Bushfire Hazard Buffer'>, <map group layer u'Base_Bottom'>, <map layer u'Protected Area'>]
    [<map layer u'Regional Activity Centre'>, <map layer u'State Controlled Road'>, <map layer u'Frame_Extents2'>, <map layer u'TRC Boundary'>]

![enter image description here][2]

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/b0vQJ.jpg
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/MR1Us.jpg