Nice use case for Layer Actions.

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

Just configure a new layer action like this:

[![enter image description here][2]][2]

Code for the layer action:

<!-- language: python -->
    from qgis.core import QgsProject
    from qgis.utils import iface
    field_name = "etiqueta"  # CHANGE THIS TO YOUR OWN FIELD NAME
    layer = QgsProject.instance().mapLayer("[% @layer_id %]")
    idx = layer.fields().indexOf(field_name)
    if layer.selectedFeatureCount():
        params = QgsAggregateCalculator.AggregateParameters()
        params.delimiter = ','

        value = layer.aggregate(
            field_name, params, fids=layer.selectedFeatureIds())[0]
        for fid in layer.selectedFeatureIds():
            layer.changeAttributeValue(fid, idx, value)
        iface.messageBar().pushSuccess("Concatenate unique", "Done!")
        iface.messageBar().pushInfo("Concatenate unique", "First select some features...")

  + You just need to change the `field_name` variable to match your field name and you're done.
  + The layer action will be available in editing mode. It won't be saved until you click on `Save Layer Edits`.
