I'm designing a system where there is a set of polygons representing different postal codes (not overlapping with each other). An user can either draw his own polygon OR fully select/deselect particular postal code. That means that each postal code can be included in the final area **fully** or **partially**.

I will use example (brown - user drawn area, light blue - postal code)
[![example break down][1]][1]

I found that when user draws some area, selects a postal code and then deselects it, **the output geometry isn't the same** as if he would deselect the postal code right away (`g1` and `g2` columns in below example). Mathematically it doesn't make sense. The `g1` figure have weird spikes on the edges of the deselected postal code. How to fix it?

[![g1 geometry with weird spikes on edges][2]][2]

I found out that to fix it I can pass grid size (eg. 1e-9) to the `st_union` / `st_difference`, but then `st_touches` doesn't work correctly, because I can't pass grid size to this function. I can pass it to `st_intersection` but it is less efficient.

You can see it there:
WITH source AS (
    SELECT st_geomfromgeojson('{"type":"MultiPolygon","coordinates":[[[[-85.92333,40.63875],[-85.92333,40.63392],[-85.91539,40.63492],[-85.91467,40.63875],[-85.92333,40.63875]]]]}') area,
           st_geomfromgeojson('{"type":"MultiPolygon","coordinates":[[[[-85.82047, 40.65114],[-85.82046, 40.6297],[-85.92046, 40.6297],[-85.92068, 40.63807],[-85.92047, 40.65114],[-85.82047, 40.65114]]]]}') postalcode
difference AS (
SELECT st_difference(st_union(postalcode, area), postalcode)             g1,
       st_difference(area, postalcode)                                   g2,
       st_difference(st_union(postalcode, area, 1e-9), postalcode, 1e-9) g3,
FROM source
SELECT *, st_touches(g1, postalcode), st_touches(g2, postalcode), st_touches(g3, postalcode)
FROM difference

I understand that this can be because of how float is represented in binary and when the postgis calculates points of intersection it can be some irrational number which can't be saved in binary form exactly as it should. Also I found that both of those points from `g1` and `g2` are the same (`POINT (-85.92066907421577 40.63875)`).

**Can you help me?**

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/DddeSq14.png
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/MsqrOPpB.png