Some of you may have seen this recent (4/28/14) ESRI blogpost - [The New Ocean Basemap](

ESRI, in their infinite wisdom, has split up their Ocean Basemap into 2 separate services.  One with just the map tiles.  And one with just the labels.  And they will 'retire' the old basemap in 2015. 

My first thought:  Cool, now I'll be able to drop the labels from their basemap if I want.

My second thought:  But what about those times when I don't want to drop the labels...?

With basemaps being mutually exclusive, am I really going to need to build special circumstances into my mapping applications (to say whenever the ESRI Ocean Basemap is active, make sure this other ESRI Ocean Label overlay/layer is also active...etc).

What a PITA.  

Are they really making it this difficult to display their Ocean Basemap <b>with</b> the Labels???

Have I mis-read their blogpost?  
Am I missing the better/obvious solution?  

BTW I've created an openlayers example in a [jsfiddle]( so you can see the 3 ESRI offerings in place (Original Ocean Basemap, New Ocean Basemap, and the New Ocean Labels).