I am currently blocked by a quite weird issue I have no idea how to solve. On Windows 10, with QGIS Desktop 3.22.11. The simple process of doing a difference between a linestring and a polygon breaks up my linestring in a multilinestring but a recuperable one since all parts are in order. So its as simple as concatenating all the points of all parts to rebuild the clipped linestring. [![enter image description here][3]][3] However running the same difference operation inside a Debian Docker container having installed the same version of QGIS as the windows desktop version gives the following result [![enter image description here][2]][2] which is barelly usable since I need to rebuild the linestring from the multiple parts. I am unsure of what exactly causes the change in behavior except that it is consistent and repeatable. And that it is probably caused by how the (self-intersecting) geometry that result from the `QgsGeometry.difference()` operation is built test code used to generate the geometry: ```lang-python from qgis.core import QgsVectorLayer if __name__ == "__main__": poly_layer = QgsVectorLayer("poly.gpkg|layername=poly", "poly", "ogr") linestring_layer = QgsVectorLayer("linestring.gpkg|layername=linestring", "linestring", "ogr") else: poly_layer = QgsProject.instance().mapLayersByName("poly")[0] linestring_layer = QgsProject.instance().mapLayersByName("linestring")[0] linestring = next(linestring_layer.getFeatures()) poly = next(poly_layer.getFeatures()) diff = linestring.geometry().difference(poly.geometry()) print(diff.asWkt()) for geom in diff.constParts(): print(geom.asWkt()) # # or #for geom in diff.asGeometryCollection(): # print(geom.asWkt()) ``` [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/8GtUI.png [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/OGAbe.png