I'm trying to use the REST API to upload a GPKG file (SQLite with vector data) into GeoServer with curl but I always get ```Error while storing uploaded file```.

The command I'm using is 
```curl -v -u <USR>:<PASSWORD> -XPUT -H "Content-type: application/vnd.sqlite3" --data-binary @<PATH&FILENAME.GPKG> "http://<IP>:<PORT>/geoserver/rest/workspaces/<MYWORKSPACE>/coveragestores/<FILENAME>/external.geopackage%20(mosaic)"```

What I'm missing?

Note that the upload from GUI of the GPKG works perfectly and the upload of a GeoTiff file using curl works too (i.e.: ```curl -v -u <USR>:<PASSWORD> -XPUT -H "Content-type: image/tiff" --data-binary @<PATH&FILENAME.TIF> http://<IP>:<PORT>/geoserver/rest/workspaces/<MYWORKSPACE>/coveragestores/<FILENAME>/file.geotiff```)... The problem is just with GPKG.

Thanks in advance!