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Use when the version you are using of the OpenLayers JavaScript client toolkit is 3 or later

13 votes

What are the possible listeners and event types for an openlayers map (ol.Map)?

Perhaps these could be useful. change (o …
pavankguduru's user avatar
3 votes

ZoomBox in Openlayers 3/4

The zoombox control you are looking for has been changed to ol.interaction.DragZoom You can configure the toolbar button to add or …
pavankguduru's user avatar
2 votes

Is there any modify feature functions like rotate,resize and drag for vector layer in OpenLa...

ol3-rotate-feature is a plugin for OpenLayers 3 that should provide a rotate vector features interaction. …
pavankguduru's user avatar
2 votes

How to remove last drawing feature in OpenLayers 3?

You can use something like this - var features = vectorSource.getFeatures(); var lastFeature = features[features.length - 1]; vectorSource.removeFeature(lastFeature); Note that you need to vectorS …
pavankguduru's user avatar
1 vote

OpenLayers 3 - ZoomSlider outside the map

Looks like target is not an option for zoom slider according to the api doc. Use setTarget() method as shown below. var ctrlSlider= new ol.control.ZoomSlider(); ctrlSlider.setTarget(document.getEleme …
pavankguduru's user avatar
1 vote

Vector layer not displaying in OpenLayers

This is from OpenLayers WFS example for reference. …
pavankguduru's user avatar
1 vote

Select Points in a Buffer OpenLayers 3

There are a few issues with your code. 1); is not a valid function. You should use selectedFeatures.push(features); to select the features. 2) At var ext = ol.exte …
pavankguduru's user avatar
1 vote

How to get JSON data from cql_filter WMS layer with OpenLayers 4

Generate a WFS url based on the CQL Filter and then you can get json data from url. Example URL: http://localhost:9090/geoserver/ilfs/ows?service=WFS&version=1.0.0&request=GetFeature&typeName=ilfs:d …
pavankguduru's user avatar
1 vote

Generating route from user's current location to desired location on web map created in QGIS?

As suggested by Mesa you can start by generating a route request which should provide you with an output json that you can parse to retrieve the route. You can then create a vector layer and add it to …
pavankguduru's user avatar
1 vote

Openlayers select feature in KML

The select interaction is working fine and features are being selected. It's just that you don't see the selected feature being highlighted on a KML as it does with GeoJSON. If you disable the KML st …
pavankguduru's user avatar
1 vote

Feature stroke is not updated

As @Mike suggested you should be using select interaction's style option unless you have some reason not to. var select = new Select({ condition: click, style: new{ s …
pavankguduru's user avatar
0 votes

OpenLayers layer-switcher for WMS layers

ol3-layerswitcher uses title title: 'Basemap' from the layer definition for generating the layer list in the switcher. Since you have defined all the layers under one definition it take the title of b …
pavankguduru's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Adding a drawn layer to a layer group dynamically

I am trying to save a layer drawn using OpenLayers 3.9 and add it to the map and list it using ol3-layerswitcher. The layer is being saved and can be accessed through the GeoServer using WMS. …
pavankguduru's user avatar
0 votes

Adding a drawn layer to a layer group dynamically

After a bit of struggle I found the problem was with the way I was handling the tmp variable. I was wrong to assume that since tmp = tmp0 the tmp0 variable would be pushed. Adding eval() fixed the iss …
pavankguduru's user avatar
0 votes

Clear Points and Replot a new one

I don't think removeLayer() clears the existing data. You should also be clearing the vector source when the function initializes. And if you do this I don't think removing layer is necessary unless y …
pavankguduru's user avatar