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QGIS is a cross-platform GIS application licensed under the GNU General Public License.

5 votes

How to create a QGIS map of unprojected data?

QGIS relies upon the EPSG database, and since EPSG is a list of Earth-based CRSes, I don't think QGIS gives you a way to load your data in a "non-geographic" CRS. … Note that you should not load your data in a lat-long system (like WGS 84), because many GISes (like QGIS) will automatically convert distance and areal measurements from decimal degrees to meters. …
Lee Hachadoorian's user avatar
2 votes

Do QGIS plugins require admin rights?

I teach GIS at Temple University and we have QGIS set up on kiosk computers in our computer classrooms (i.e., always-on, generic user, no login required). … (The former are necessary for QGIS < 3, the latter for QGIS 3+. …
Lee Hachadoorian's user avatar
3 votes

Having trouble matching up U.S. Census shapefiles in QGIS

190019601001003,029 190019601001004,029 It's not completely clear from your question if your goal is to have a spatial output of the blocks with attached legislative districts, or if you were just using QGIS
Lee Hachadoorian's user avatar
2 votes

Problems installing QGIS on Windows Vista

There are a couple of different ways to install QGIS, and you don't mention where you are getting it. … Assuming you are using the QGIS standalone installer, I highly recommend that you switch to the OSGeo4W installer. I have run it successfully on WinXP, Vista, and 7. …
Lee Hachadoorian's user avatar
0 votes

Interpolation of xyz data

The regular pattern of the image makes me suspect that you have loaded the data incorrectly. I'm not sure how you loaded the CSVs. Assuming that each CSV is a three colum table with a header, I would …
Lee Hachadoorian's user avatar
9 votes

Work around for “Couldn’t load PyQt” error with QGIS 3.0.3 on Ubuntu 18.04?

If you remove the Python-managed PyQt5 and instead install the OS version, QGIS should launch. …
Lee Hachadoorian's user avatar
4 votes

QGIS Two people working on one shapefile at once?

I tested with QGIS 2.12 on Linux and Windows. Many applications in Linux will just reload a file when they detects changes on disk. …
Lee Hachadoorian's user avatar
1 vote

How do you make an unclassed choropleth in QGIS 2.x?

If you want, QGIS allows you to go up to 999 categories. …
Lee Hachadoorian's user avatar
5 votes

How can I average point features spatially in QGIS?

This is accomplished in QGIS with Vector→Analysis Tools→Mean Coordinates…. … If you want to do this in QGIS, you would have to program it. …
Lee Hachadoorian's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Handling "bad layers" with Esri File Geodatabases?

Example: When one moves files around, data may not be where QGIS expects to find it. On opening the *.qgs file, the Handle Bad Layers dialog appears. …
Lee Hachadoorian's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How can I control the zoom level of an OpenLayers layer in QGIS?

I am using the QGIS OpenLayers plugin to add a basemap in a project. The plugin must be choosing some zoom level to request for display. … How can the zoom level be adjusted when using the QGIS OpenLayers plugin? …
Lee Hachadoorian's user avatar
5 votes

Spatialite return XY coordinate in Double Precision

I recommend using QGIS DB Manager instead, which returns the desired floating point result, as shown here: …
Lee Hachadoorian's user avatar
12 votes

Setting SRID in Spatialite table?

Every spatial table in a SpatiaLite database has a foreign key constraint so that the SRID has to match the value stored in a metadata table named geometry_columns. You can see the constraint with: S …
Lee Hachadoorian's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

QGIS Attribute Table Not Displaying Data

Using QGIS and one minute I could see the attribute table, the next minute I couldn't. Using QGIS on Linux Mint 13. … I restarted QGIS, still the same. I then turned off the docking, no effect, restarted the computer, no effect. Completely reinstalled QGIS as indicated above, no effect. …
Lee Hachadoorian's user avatar
1 vote

QGIS add virtual field to csv layer

I am also using QGIS 2.14.3 (on Linux Mint 17.2), but I do not have the option of this data type. I therefore can't test the error you are experiencing. I only have the option of "Text (string)". …
Lee Hachadoorian's user avatar

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