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A Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) image mosaicing, reprojection, and warping utility.
Translating multiband netCDF to GTiff using gdalwarp and Python
Year = 'XXXX'
Band = 'bandName'
OutputName = 'OutputName.tif'
GDAL_Command = 'gdalwarp -of Gtiff -co COMPRESS=LZW -co TILED=YES -ot Byte -te '\ … If you don't have OSGeo4W shell there is a shell batch in your GDAL install folder or you could navigate to your GDAL\bin folder with a command like CD /D "C:\Program Files\GDAL" where the gdalwarp executable …
Project one raster into another raster's crs in gdal
Using GDALWarp and assuming bilinear resampling:
GDALWarp -s_srs EPSG:4272 -t_srs EPSG:2193 -r bilinear <Your Image> <Output Image>
Both NZGD49 and NZTM2000 are well known coordinate systems, GDAL should …
How do I change the pixel size in GDAL without changing the extent?
Here's a quick script I put together to correct the cell size of a folder of GeoTiff rasters:
import os, sys
from osgeo import gdal
from osgeo import gdalconst
WorkingFolder = sys.argv[1] # first c …
Gdal: clipping a raster with another raster
For irregular polygons, and assuming that your geotiff raster file is a binary raster, you could use GDAL_Calc: -A Mask.tif -B CutBigImageToClip.tif --outfile=SmallerFile.tif --NoDataVal …