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ogr2ogr is an open source command line utility popular for converting to and from various vector spatial data formats.

7 votes

Can ogr2ogr be used to append multiple DBF files?

From a system shell, use ogr2ogr with the -append flag: $ ogr2ogr -append all.dbf a.dbf $ ogr2ogr -append all.dbf b.dbf $ ogr2ogr -append all.dbf c.dbf These files can be either shapefiles or sole DBF …
Mike T's user avatar
  • 42.4k
2 votes

Using "ogr2ogr -sql" without an input fiile

You could make a tiny Python script, e.g. #!/usr/bin/env python import sys from osgeo import ogr ogr.UseExceptions() print(ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(sys.argv[1]).ExportToJson()) And use …
Mike T's user avatar
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2 votes

ogr2ogr Set Feature to Column Name?

can even modify the "sql_statement" label to something else with adding another option: -dsco OGR_DATASOURCE="States" The order of these options are important, where the full working command is: ogr2ogr
Mike T's user avatar
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11 votes

Piping data to ogr2ogr

ogr2ogr -f KML countries.kml …
Mike T's user avatar
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0 votes

Convert Canadian census subdivision polygons to WKT (4326) using ogr2ogr?

Use ogr2ogr to reproject vector data using something like this: ogr2ogr -s_srs EPSG:3347 -t_srs EPSG:4326 new.shp old.shp …
Mike T's user avatar
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2 votes

How to debug ogr2ogr ERROR 1: Did not get at least 2 values or invalid number of set of coor...

Add -dim 3 to force the coordinate dimension to 3D for both the layer geometry type, and feature geometries. This option requires GDAL 1.10, which is currently in development.
Mike T's user avatar
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3 votes

shell script ogr2ogr export

read -p "enter country code: " CODE echo "exporting data from $CODE" SRC="PG:'dbname=alamedaok user=postgres host=localhost'" SQL="SELECT id_alameda, pais, geom FROM poblaciones_def WHERE pais=$CODE" ogr2ogr
Mike T's user avatar
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3 votes

Lossless conversion from shapefiles to XML/JSON/Text

These are passed to ogr2ogr using -dco and -lco flags. …
Mike T's user avatar
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5 votes

OGR2OGR and SQL: selecting 30 biggest places from a country?

If you have GDAL/OGR 1.10 or later, use -dialect SQLITE for the SQLite SQL dialect, which supports ORDER BY POP_MAX DESC LIMIT 30 in SQL statements.
Mike T's user avatar
  • 42.4k
3 votes

How to Aggregate and dissolve MySQL geometry

If you have MySQL 5.7.5 or later, you can use MySQL's ST_Union function from ogr2ogr: ogr2ogr -sql "SELECT ST_Union(geo) FROM counties" -f KML counties.kml MySQL:"..." … As a special case, "Union" is called GUnion: ogr2ogr -dialect SQLITE -sql "SELECT GUnion(geo) FROM counties" -f KML counties.kml MySQL:"..." …
Mike T's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I convert ESRI personal geodatabase (.mdb) to shapefile using OGR in C#?

Does the ogr2ogr command work? An easy one would be to run it from C#. Otherwise you can use the C# SWIG bindings, if you can get these for your programming environment with PGeo support. …
Mike T's user avatar
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11 votes

How to convert curved features into geojson

You're on the right track. Curved geometries were brought into GDAL/OGR 2.x. You can approximate curved geometries as a linear geometry. Both OGR and Shapely can export as a GeoJSON-like dict (via map …
Mike T's user avatar
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39 votes

Using ogr2ogr to convert all shapefiles in directory?

On Windows, for the current and sub-directories under the current, try this command: for /R %f in (*.shp) do ogr2ogr -f "MapInfo File" "" "%f" To briefly explain the trickery of what is going …
Mike T's user avatar
  • 42.4k
12 votes

How to rename ogr2ogr tables on export to Spatialite?

From the ogr2ogr docs, use the -nln name option to assign an alternate name to the new layer. …
Mike T's user avatar
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4 votes

ogr2ogr kml to shp conversion created 184 shapefiles?! What am I missing?

From your SQL: CREATE SCHEMA import; Now from your shell (I'm using OSGeo4W Shell): $ ogr2ogr -append -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname='your_db' user='postgres' password='secret'" \ doc.kml -lco SCHEMA …
Mike T's user avatar
  • 42.4k

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