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A site-package created by Esri to expose ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro) geoprocessing, mapping, etc, to Python.

1 vote

How to use Arcpy UpdateCursor to update a field?

You can always use "with" that allows objects like files/cursores to be used in a way that ensures they are always cleaned up promptly and correctly. But it needs the table/fc field names to be passed …
neverMind's user avatar
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Geographic Transformations using ArcPy vs. Coordinate Systems used by ArcGis online basemaps

I then need to transform it to WGS_1984, so I've used: import sys, arcpy #globals set env.workspace and other used paths import globals as g def main(): # set local variables inDataset = ["rede_Coimbra_node.shp …
neverMind's user avatar
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Avoiding setting env.workspace and other paths/settings too often in ArcPy?

I have some scripts that are constantly setting env.workspace of arcpy. Usually, I have a caller script( that may call some other script ( … import globals as g from arcpy import da arcpy.AddMessage("Importing arcpy outside ArcMap took %s seconds." % (time.clock() - t_start)) from cProfile import run def main(): .... …
neverMind's user avatar
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Importing ArcPy taking many seconds and code is really slow for GeoProcessing Tools 64-bit (...

I've tracked the import time for takes more than 23 seconds and the code only around 7s! … I think it's interesting: import time import sys t_start = time.clock() import arcpy from arcpy import env, da arcpy.AddMessage("Importing arcpy outside ArcMap took %s seconds." % (time.clock() - t_start …
neverMind's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Importing ArcPy taking many seconds and code is really slow for GeoProcessing Tools 64-bit (...

I've installed ArcGIS10.1 SP1 and whenever I import arcpy (on Pywin console or Eclipse PyDev) it takes aprox. 15-20seconds. Is this normal? I don't think so... … ''' # Import system modules import arcpy, sys from arcpy import env print "Running against: {}".format(sys.version) def do_search_by_cursor(table,searchString): count = 0 count += cursor_search_count …
neverMind's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Creating a layer after using SelectLayerByAttribute_management

Only this code works for me: import arcpy from arcpy import env # Set workspace env.workspace = "S:/workspace/MSc_git/ArcGis/estagio_db.gdb" workspace = "S:/workspace/MSc_git/ArcGis/Layers" in_feature …
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